Achilles TendinitisIf you’re a runner or someone who regularly engages in sports activities, then you may be at risk of developing Achilles Tendinitis. In fact, you may already be suffering from the condition. It can be quite easy to mistake Achilles Tendinitis as simple cramping or an achy muscle in the back of your ankle. This isn’t always the case. In fact, you could potentially be harming yourself if you choose to continue running despite the ache in your leg. This article will discuss Achilles Tendinitis and why you should be mindful of your health if you have it.

What Is Achilles Tendinitis?
Your Achilles tendon is that famous area behind your ankle. It runs from your heel and up to your calf. Achilles Tendinitis most commonly affects those who do a lot of running. This is because they put a lot of stress on their Achilles tendon. However, those who play a lot of sports, especially sports that include running, can also develop Achilles Tendinitis.
Even those who are older and play a game like tennis or basketball on the weekends can develop the condition.
When you overuse the sensitive tendon of your Achilles, it can result in Achilles Tendinitis. This describes a condition in which you experience a great deal of pain in your tendon area. Sometimes, however, the pain may not seem that severe. It can be described as a dull ache or cramp instead. Because of its dullness, people may ignore the symptoms and continue with their exercise or sport.
In so doing, however, they further overuse the Achilles tendon. This can result in a rupture or tear that requires surgery. Since surgery will require you to stay off of your feet for longer than simply resting to let your tendon rest and heal if caught earlier, it’s important that you listen to your body when it starts to ache.

The primary symptom of Achilles Tendinitis is pain. Most describe the pain as centered around the back of the leg or even just above the heel in their Achilles area. This pain is typically experienced after physical activity has occurred. Another symptom that people describe is stiffness in this region in the morning. Or they may feel as though their Achilles tendon and the surrounding area are tender.

You can injure yourself when you overwork your back or muscles. The same logic applies to your Achilles tendon. When you overexert it through even something as simple as walking, the tendon is strained and can become injured. It’s important to know that this area weakens as you become older.

At The Radiology Clinic, we can offer multiple tests like a 3T MRI to determine the health of your Achilles tendon with high-resolution imaging. If tendinitis is suspected, we can help your doctor to provide you with an effective treatment that can bolster its strength and reduce your pain and could even allow you to avoid surgery if caught at an earlier stage. All you need to do is take the first careful step. Please contact The Radiology Clinic at 301-217-0500 to schedule your imaging study.