headache_MRA AngiographyExperiencing a headache is a normal occurrence. You get a headache every now and then due to stress related to work or personal life. Sometimes, headaches can also occur because of an underlying health condition that needs to be diagnosed. If you experience headaches with pain ranging from severe to worse, it is important to visit your physician and have yourself checked. It is always better to seek medical attention and diagnosis to have an idea about your condition and your general health. The Radiology Clinic in Rockville, MD, provides Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) to get a closer look into the brain.

Brain Aneurysm

There are several possible causes of headaches with severe pain, including a ruptured aneurysm. However, there will be a series of tests done first before you can be sure that you have it. So, what is a brain aneurysm? It is a bulge in a blood vessel that you get when there is a weak spot in the blood vessel’s walls. Think about a balloon and how it looks when it is stretched out too much — it becomes thin and weak. A brain aneurysm is typically like that. It is the weak spot in the wall of a blood vessel in your brain.

The bulge will form due to the constant flow of blood in that certain area. It becomes worn out and a bulge will appear the size of a bubble or sometimes, it can grow as big as the size of a small berry. Is a brain aneurysm dangerous? It definitely can be.  Moreover, it doesn’t show any symptoms or cause any health condition unless it grows bigger and explodes. In fact, some people with brain aneurysm can live a longer life and they won’t even know they have one inside their brain. 

However, when a brain aneurysm explodes, it can cause bleeding in the brain. This time, it can be very dangerous and would need urgent medical attention. A ruptured brain aneurysm can put your life at risk and can lead to several health conditions such as:

  • Hydrocephalus
  • Coma
  • Permanent brain damage

Brain aneurysm can be life-threatening so it is important that you have it detected early. There are several ways of finding if you have a brain aneurysm – MRA angiography being the most common. MRA angiography of the head to look for an aneurysm in the brain is a very reliable noninvasive way to detect aneurysms. 

If your doctor determines that you need an MRA of your brain to look for an aneurysm, please contact The Radiology Clinic to schedule an appointment at 301-217-0500.  Our fellowship-trained board-certified neuroradiologists and our caring staff are happy to take care of you.